revival Weekend
with luke remington
Luke Remington is a revivalist that carries a unique and authentic anointing for end-time awakening and harvest in this hour. At 16 years old, lost in a sinful life of drug use, alcohol, anger, and rebellion, Luke encountered Jesus and in one moment he was supernaturally delivered and born-again. He began preaching the gospel at 17 years old and God began to use him to see revival break out across the state of Georgia.
Luke Remington’s ministry is marked by supernatural fire, deliverance, and miracles. He also founded the “Raise The Standard” conference, a nationwide gathering focused on releasing revival and outpouring in the next generation.
Alongside his ministry, Luke is happily married to his wife, Gracie, who possesses a special anointing in worship. Together, they travel extensively around the globe leading supernatural outpouring and revival movements.
Along with being a published author, he also has a focused online ministry dedicated to reaching the current culture with the Gospel of Jesus.
Experience god this revival weekend!
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