Welcome to the D1 Facilitator Zone!

It is our goal that no one walks alone at NLC. Let’s do life together.

Thank you for your willingness to make disciples of Jesus Christ. Your investment into the lives and hearts of others will bring blessings to others, as well as upon your own life. We can’t wait to see and hear how the Holy Spirit will use you and your team to help His kingdom advance!!!

D1 Ministry Team Facilitator Training

What is a D1 Ministry Team

D1 Ministry Teams are small groups designed to help us be disciples and make disciples by equipping, empowering, and engaging one another through the Holy Spirit in the Word, Prayer, Fellowship, and Evangelism.

These teams or groups will be made up of 2-6 people who will take time to engage in the presence of God together for the purpose of activating the Holy Spirit’s work through their lives. When the group reaches six or more people, we encourage multiplying into two distinct groups so that multiplication can occur again to ensure growth and continued evangelism.

Why are D1 Teams Necessary?

Our vision and mission for NLC are “We are disciples of Jesus Christ, and We make disciples of Jesus Christ.

  1. It gives us opportunities for outreach, an opportunity to fulfill our call to being disciples and making disciples of Jesus Christ.

  2. D1 groups are necessary for personal growth (follower, learner, worker, friend), which is important to becoming the disciples Jesus called us to be.

  3. God values relationships. That is how He created us. His nature itself is community based. He is a Triune God (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit). He exists in perfect state of unity.

  4. Helps us figure out who we are in Christ. We explore faith and sort out what it looks like to follow Jesus.

  5. Breaks through barriers

  6. A practical way to serve one another.

One Another Verses


One Another Verses 〰️

Types of Groups

  • Open group

  • Closed group

  • Bible study group

  • Seeker-Friendly group

  • Affiliation group

  • Neighborhood group

  • Sermon Review group

  • Book club

  • Issue Oriented group

Healthy and Successful Groups

Small groups can also be called cells. A cell is the smallest structural unit of an organism capable of functioning independently. That means each cell/small group has a life of their own contributing to the health or illness of the larger organism. A healthy cell keeps the host vibrant and robust, but the toxic cell can cripple or kill the host. A healthy and fully functional group has four components. It has a theological, relational, restoration, and missional component.

To lay a foundation for healthy D1 Group experience, below are the expectation for every D1 Group in NLC.


All NLC Core Values (The Word, Prayer, Holy Spirit, Evangelism, and Fellowship) should be present no matter the type of group.

  • There should not be a time where a small group at NLC meets without opening the Word.

  • Prayer is who we are and what we do. Pray before, during (when needed), and after every group meeting. Encourage your group to join every church-wide prayer meeting especially, the 21-Day fasting and prayer every January.

  • The Holy Spirit is the One who gives us power, skills, wisdom, and knowledge to do what He has called us to. Allow Him to lead.

  • Evangelism is the basics of making disciples. Invite people from outside NLC to join your group. They might be open to join a small group than go to church immediately.

  • The Lord reminds us in Hebrews 10:25 not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching. Jesus is coming soon. It is in Fellowship that iron sharpens iron.

Click here for more on the NLC Core Values.

Signs of a Healthy D1 Group

  1. Meets frequently. Helps the personality of the group to form quickly.

  2. There is authenticity and transparency and true vulnerability happens.

  3. Members become loving and knowledgeable.

  4. It is inclusive. Open to receiving new members who will be greeted with enthusiasm and interest. Any healthy group is a growing group.

  5. You serve together within and beyond the group.

  6. New leaders are raised, and new groups spin off.

  7. Everyone has a role to fill.

  8. The Bible is opened often. Spiritual growth comes with exploring God’s Word and then letting it shape conversations, commitments, and relationships.

  9. Your group is praying (for one another and your concerns during the group and between group meetings).

  10. The facilitator is uncomfortable in a good way and aware that God wants to use your group.

Who is a Facilitator

A facilitator is a person who helps a group of people to work well together, understand their common objectives, and plan how to achieve these objectives, during meetings or discussions. A person that makes an action or process easier. A guide. Someone who walks alongside another on a journey. 

A D1 Facilitator is one that assists a group in a way that promotes healthy relationship, deepen faith in God, and equips and empowers group members for ministry. Stated in a different way, you help each other in your group be disciples and make disciples by equipping, empowering, and engaging through the Holy Spirit in the Word, Prayer, Fellowship, and Evangelism.


  1. Faithful attendee of NLC.

  2. Attend D1 Facilitator Training and subsequent meetings.

  3. Accepts and affirm the 16 Fundamental Doctrines of AG.

  4. Share and support the vision and mission of NLC.

  5. Is teachable.


  1. Meet at least twice a month.

  2. Pray for group members.

  3. Check in with members and notify pastoral staff of any crisis the comes up that will benefit from a pastoral response.


We are asking for at least 1 year. As the Lord favors and breathe life into you and yours as you lead, I’m sure it will be more than a year. Most importantly, grow someone to take your place before you step out of facilitating. It is important that we multiply instead of dwindling.

Facilitating a D1 Group

Facilitate Don’t Lead. Why?

  1. Leaders are looked to for the final word. Facilitators look to reach consensus.

  2. Leaders impart information to others. Facilitators acknowledge that anyone in the room might have a valuable input.

  3. Leaders talk and people listen. Facilitators listen more and talk less.

  4. Leaders give instructions. Facilitators ask questions.

  5. Leaders direct crowds. Facilitators influence groups.

  6. Leaders focus on the head. Facilitators focus on the heart.

For Successful Facilitation,

  1. Help group set discussion ground rules.

  2. Model what you want to happen.

  3. Be a player and a coach.

  4. Read the room.

  5. Set your needs aside and serve during the duration of the meeting.

  6. Ensure everyone has a chance to share.

  7. Ask open ended questions.

  8. Don’t be afraid of silence.

  9. Don’t always be the last person to offer comments.

  10. Ask follow-up questions.

  11. Withhold judgement.

  12. Be fearless

Qualities of a D1 Leader

  • Humble

  • Balanced

  • Shepherd-hearted

  • Prepared

  • Accepting

  • Committed

  • Attentive and reliant on God

  • A learner

  • A mentor

  • Encouraging and empowering

  • Expectant

  • Unafraid

  • Passionate about unity

Steps to Launching a D1 Group

Pray, answer the questions, and take the steps below.

  1. What are you studying?

  2. What day of the week do you want to run your group?

  3. What is the time frame? How many hours and how many weeks?

  4. Who can attend your group (women, men, both, teens, young adults)?

  5. Pray and invite people to join your group.

  6. Help them to sign up.

  7. What do they need to bring to the group?

  8. Pray, pray, pray

  9. Before the start date, review lesson and prep.

  10. Write an agenda

  11. Think about whether to provide snacks or not

  12. Have extra materials available for a new member

Service Project

Every D1 Group will end with a service project. A service project is a good deed done in our church for a group or an individual outside our church to show the love of Christ and to share the gospel of Jesus Christ. It is important that these service projects are not done just as good deed but a channel to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The good deed will not save them but the Gospel will.

Service Project Ideas

  1. Provide childcare during a parent’s night out.

  2. Paint the church nursery.

  3. Visit a nursing home and visit the residents who don't get many visitors.

  4. Shop for shut ins.

  5. Organize and staff a night of prayer at your church building.

  6. Call on people who've recently visited your church.

  7. Show up at youth group with enough snacks to feed an army.

  8. Send care packages to college students.

  9. Appreciate your pastor my gift or service needed.

  10. Bless a missionary with a shipment of cards and goodies.

  11. Bless a single mom with auto repairs or handyman tasks

  12. Tutor student

  13. Host the family movie night at the church and serve popcorn

  14. Help at the homeless shelter or soup kitchen.

  15. Call a local nonprofit and ask how they could use you for a day.

  16. Write to men and women serving in the military or at a VA hospital.

  17. Mow lawns for the elderly in your church.

  18. Provide snow removal services for the elderly in your church
