"Connecting with God and each other!"


Our next meeting will be Thursday, August 19th at 6:30 pm

This event will continue our study on “Living in Excellence for the Lord with Balance and Integrity”

We will be bringing you a special event this month! A panel discussion with some of our top leader ladies in the Lord! Lisa Stewart, Theo Afful, Chris Collins, Judy Jewitt and last but certainly not least beautiful inside and out Leah Aryee! There’s so much wisdom in this group of women! Bring your questions, bring your heart to be ready to grow in Him! We know you will not walk away the same as you came..
Bring a friend, bring a neighbor, we love meeting and fellowshipping with our friends and we love meeting your friends. Also, remember, if you are interested in becoming a mentor or interested in being connected with a mentor, please contact us or contact Theo in the church office. Connections are what we are all about! We grow stronger in Christ together! Also, don’t forget to check out and join one of our available Bible studies!

Plan to join us! I know you will be blessed!

We so look forward to seeing you!



“ I thank the Lord for this season and what He is going to do in and through us.  It is time to arise and become the Deborahs, Annas and the Esthers of our generation.  The only way we can make an impact and become who the Lord is calling us to be is if we abide in Him.

With everything that is going on with COVID, politics and I’m sure there is a lot going on in your personal life that screams for your attention almost every minute of the day.  We have to be intentional with our walk with the Lord. 

Our theme this year is “She Abides: Cultivating a Fruitful Life in Jesus”. We want to invite you, to join us in our six-week study based on the theme for this year. The life we are living now has to count for eternity.  The study will be available to you for $17.99. You can also purchase here.

Join us monthly on the third Thursday of every month at 6:30pm-8:pm. Please invite a friend and remind someone to come with you.  We will have worship & prayer, Ten-to-Testify and a time of fellowship with each other as we grow closer in Him!

Please plan to join us for fellowship and fun as we make connections with each other and, more importantly, connect with God in a deeper way together as we hear His word!

It’s so important, especially now to let our “joy of the Lord” shine through so people can see Jesus in us. Let’s be united as Christians so that this, somewhat divided world can see the light in us and want what we have…Jesus. May He be glorified in all we do and all we are!


She Abides: Cultivating a Fruitful Life in Jesus!

Let’s grow together, ladies!